Dress Code
Miller Boyd Alternative School uniform is a crucial component of maintaining self-discipline and a positive attitude within the school. Failure to wear the uniform appropriately may result in expulsion. Students must remain in complete uniform until off school premises. If a student is not in complete uniform, they will call home and the missing item must be brought to the school. If not possible, the student will be suspended the following day for a uniform violation.
If a student must call home for part of their uniform, they will receive:
2nd (SECOND) OFFENSE - Deduction of 1 (one) Point
3rd (THIRD) OFFENSE - Deduction of 2 (two) Points
4th (FOURTH), 5th (FIFTH) and 6th (SIXTH) OFFENSE - Level Recorded for Each Offense
The principal will have the right to take appropriate action to correct any student whose appearance is considered out of compliance or disruptive.


CLEANLINESS - Students will maintain a clean and neat appearance. Wear deodorant and shower/bathe daily.
- Khaki-colored dress pants with no cuffs.
- No legging, jegging or jeans material. NO JOGGERS
- Slacks must be hemmed and worn at the waistline.
- No painter or cargo pockets allowed.
- Slacks will not be unreasonably tight or unreasonably baggy.
- No shorts nor pants may be worn under the khaki pants/slacks.
If a student wears anything other than the correct undergarments, then they face disciplinary action.
- Solid white or light blue, button-down collar or straight collar dress shirt (no denim) will be worn by both males and females. No polo shirts are allowed.
- All shirts must be neatly tucked with all buttons in place and fastened.
- All shirts must have long sleeves or appropriate short sleeves (extending at least to the midpoint between the shoulder and elbow).
- Plain white tee shirts may be worn under the dress shirt.All undergarments MUST BE WHITE and HAVE NO WRITING OR SYMBOLS/PICTURES/PHOTOS that can be seen through the shirt. Wearing a shirt that can be seen through the dress shirt will result in a uniform violation.
- Conservative athletic or dress shoes with soft soles. (LOW-TOP ONLY, ankle must be visible away from shoe) are allowed.
- No sandals, flip-flops, crocs, house shoes or boots.
- Shoelaces may only be black or white.
- Ties will be worn around the neck by both males and females.
- Ties must be solid navy or solid black.
- No patterns can be on the tie.
- Solid colored belts made of soft leather or cloth and visible if slacks have belt loops.
- No large buckles will be permitted.
- Standard jackets and coats may be worn to and from school.
- No biker jackets or oversized coats (including trench coats) are permitted.
- Jackets and coats are not to be worn in classroom
- Coats are to be removed immediately upon entering the building.
- No messages, writing or large logos allowed.
- All clothing must be neat with no holes, rips or tears.
- Clothing must fit properly and not be unreasonably tight or unreasonably baggy.
- No jewelry will be permitted except for analog watches. Watches that receive text messages are NOT allowed. Apple watches are not allowed.
- No outerwear (example: shorts) will be worn with the uniform.
HAIR - A student's hair will be worn in a manner that does not disrupt the educational process or call attention to the individual. No unusual coloring or hairstyle will be permitted. (No headbands of any type will be allowed)
- Hair should be no longer than shoulder length. No shaved heads will be permitted. Sideburns will not go below the ear. No facial hair will be permitted except for a neat mustache that does not exceed the width of the mouth nor cover the upper lip (no five o'clock shadow) when arriving at Miller Boyd Alternative School.
- Hair should always be above the eyebrows. If this becomes a problem, the student will be required to get a haircut before returning to school.
- A student's hair must remain either up or down the entire day. No hairbands will be allowed to be used after a student arrives.
- No banana clips will be permitted.
EYEBROWS - Notched eyebrows must be filled in neatly and remain colored in.
FINGERNAILS - No student will be allowed to have overly long or jagged fingernails.
HATS - No hats, headdress or hat wear of any kind will be worn inside the building.
(No headbands of any type will be allowed)
BOOK BAGS - No book bags are permitted at Miller Boyd Alternative School.
PERFUME AND COLOGNE - Perfume and cologne are not permitted at Miller Boyd Alternative
School due to staff allergies.
EYELASHES AND PIMPLE PATCHES - No fake eyelashes (short, long, thick, thin, colored,
etc..) and pimple patches (example: skin color, clear, holographic, etc..) will be worn at
Miller Boyd Alternative School.